Coloana Midea MFGA-48ARDN1 Inverter

Pret: 12287.06 LEI

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Model MFGA-48ARDN1
Power supply Ph-V-Hz 380-415V~ 50Hz 3Ph
Cooling Capacity                      Btu/h 48000
Input            W 4350
Rated current    A 7.5
EER         W/W 3.2
Heating Capacity         Btu/h 52000+12000
Input            W 4200
Rated current    A 7.24
W/W 3.6
Moisture Removal             L/h 5.3
Max. input consumption         W 5500
Max. current                A 15.0
Starting current                A ----
Compressor Model    TNB306FPNMC-L
Type    ROTARY
Capacity      Btu/h 33711
Input           W 3030
Rated current(RLA)  A 9.3
Locked rotor Amp(LRA)    A  
Thermal protector    -----
Thermal protector position   -----
Capacitor       uF 60
Refrigerant oil/oil charge   ml FV50S/1070
Indoor fan motor Model    YDK160-8C
Brand    Welling
Input            W 335/296
Capacitor        uF 9
Speed(Hi/Mi/Lo) r/min 600 / -- / 510
Indoor coil a.Number of rows   3
b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b)   mm 25.4x22
c.Fin spacing                 mm 1.5
d.Fin type (code)   Hydrophilic aluminium
e.Tube outside dia.and type  mm Φ9.52,innergroove tube
f.Coil length x height x width   mm 484x812x66
g.Number of circuits   6
Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) m3/h 2300/2000
Indoor noise level (Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 59//55
Indoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 610x390x1925
Packing   (W*D*H) mm 2040x745x545
Net/Gross weight   Kg 62 / 81
Outdoor fan motor Model    YDK100-6A + YDK100-6A
Brand    Welling
Input            W 176/-/133 + 176/-/133
Capacitor        uF 3.5 + 3.5
Speed         r/min 810 / -- / 610 + 810 / -- / 610
Outdoor coil a.Number of rows   3
b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b)   mm 21x13.37
c.Fin spacing                 mm 1.4
d.Fin type (code)   Hydrophilic aluminium
e.Tube outside dia.and type  mm Φ7,innergroove tube
f.Coil length x height x width   mm 900x1218x13.37
g.Number of circuits   12
Outdoor air flow             m3/h 4500
Outdoor noise level         dB(A) 62
Outdoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 940x360x1245
Packing  (W*D*H) mm 1058x438x1380
Net/Gross weight   Kg 99 / 110
Refrigerant type g R410A/4000g
Design pressure              MPa 4.2/1.5
Refrigerant piping Liquid side/ Gas side   mm(inch) Φ9.52/Φ15.9(3/8"/5/8")
Max. refrigerant pipe length    m 30
Max. difference in level        m 15
Connection wiring       - -
Plug type   - -
Thermostat type   Remote Control
Operation temperature Indoor(cooling/ heating) ? 17/30
Outdoor(cooling/heating) ? -15?50/-15?24
Application area             m2 70-117
Qty’per 20’ /40’ /40'HQ        17/34/39


Coloana de aer conditionat Midea model MFGA-48ARDN1 dispune de tehnologie Inverter si are puterea de 48 000 BTU, fiind o alegere excelenta de climatizare.

Dotarile moderne cu care este echipata aceasta coloana Midea faciliteaza o distribuire uniforma a curentilor de aer rece/cald pe intreaga suprafata destinata climatizarii, ajutandu-va sa obtineti un consum energetic redus si un confort maxim, datorita operarii silentioase.

• coloana de aer conditionat avand clasa energetica A / A

• EER (Eficienta de racire) - 3.21

• COP (Eficienta de incalzire) - 3,61

• BTU - 48 000

Acest model de coloana Midea 48 000 BTU este potrivit pentru climatizarea suprafetelor interioare de 70-100 m².

Echipamentele INVERTER din dotare asigura reducerea consumului energetic.

Unitatea de interior are dimensiunile 610x1925x390 (mm).

Unitatea exterioara are dimensiunile 938x1369x392 (mm).


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