Coloana Midea MFGA-36ARDN1 Inverter

Pret: 11029.9 LEI

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Model MFGA-36ARDN1
Power supply Ph-V-Hz 380-420V~ 50Hz 3Ph
Cooling Capacity                      Btu/h 36000
Input            W 2920
Rated current    A 5.03
EER         W/W 3.21
Heating Capacity         Btu/h 38000+12000
Input            W 3080
Rated current    A 5.30
W/W 3.61
Moisture Removal             L/h 3.8
Max. input consumption         W 5000
Max. current                A 14.0
Starting current                A ----
Compressor Model    TNB306FPNMC-L
Type    ROTARY
Capacity      Btu/h 33711
Input           W 3030
Rated current(RLA)  A 9.3
Locked rotor Amp(LRA)    A  
Thermal protector    -----
Thermal protector position   -----
Capacitor       uF 60
Refrigerant oil/oil charge   ml FV50S/1070
Indoor fan motor Model    YDK120-8N
Brand    Welling
Input            W 300/240
Capacitor        uF 6.5
Speed(Hi/Mi/Lo) r/min 580 / -- / 480
Indoor coil a.Number of rows   2
b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b)   mm 25.4x22 
c.Fin spacing                 mm 1.3
d.Fin type (code)   Hydrophilic aluminium
e.Tube outside dia.and type  mm Φ9.52,innergroove tube
f.Coil length x height x width   mm 422x965x44
g.Number of circuits   6 /  6
Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) m3/h 1700/1400
Indoor noise level (Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 56/52
Indoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 550x350x1800
Packing   (W*D*H) mm 1910x685x540
Net/Gross weight   Kg 53 / 70
Outdoor fan motor Model    YDK190-6C(B)
Brand    Welling
Input            W 290/168
Capacitor        uF 10.0
Speed         r/min 850 / -- / --
Outdoor coil a.Number of rows   2
b.Tube pitch(a)x row pitch(b)   mm 22x19.05
c.Fin spacing                 mm 1.5
d.Fin type (code)   Hydrophilic aluminium
e.Tube outside dia.and type  mm Φ7.94, innergroove tube
f.Coil length x height x width   mm 885x902x38.1
g.Number of circuits   4
Outdoor air flow             m3/h 3800
Outdoor noise level         dB(A) 62
Outdoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 990x345x965
Packing  (W*D*H) mm 1120x435x1100
Net/Gross weight   Kg 79 / 91
Refrigerant type g R410A/2600g
Design pressure              MPa 4.2/1.5
Refrigerant piping Liquidside/ Gas side   mm(inch) Φ9.52/Φ15.9(3/8"/5/8")
Max. refrigerant pipe length    m 25
Max. difference in level        m 10
Connection wiring       - -
Plug type   - -
Thermostat type   Remote Control
Operation temperature Indoor(cooling/ heating) ? 17/30
Outdoor(cooling/heating) ? -15?50/-15?24
Application area             m2 55-88
Qty’per 20’ /40’ /40'HQ        19/43/50


O coloana de aer conditionat avand puterea 36 000 BTU este ideala pentru a asigura climatizarea in spatiile largi.

Coloana Midea model MFGA-36ARDN1 este capabila sa asigure o functionare optima atat in regim de rcire, cat si pentru incalzire, deoarece dispune de tehnologie de ultima ora, Inverter, fapt ce aduce un consum semnificativ mai redus de energie electrica si se va reflecta prin facturi mai mici la curent.

Operare silentioasa, pentru un confort sporit in ambientul pe care intentionati sa il climatizati.


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